They say the third lever of content marketing growth is content optimization.
Content creation, content promotion, and content optimization.
“There ain’t no such thing as free lunch.” – Milton Friedman (among others throughout recent history) This will be piece inspired by a recent BuzzFeed article that outed contributors at “trustworthy” publications like Forbes, HuffPo, and Inc. To recap the piece: Forbes and others operate using a free contributor model. In addition, their editorial stringency … Read more
They say the third lever of content marketing growth is content optimization.
Content creation, content promotion, and content optimization.
I always wish that more people would document their learnings as they go through a process. We often get post-hoc analyses that are cleaner in retrospect and spoken about from a 10,000 foot view.
A big part of my job at CXL was to do content marketing – create great shit, promote it, grow traffic, leads, etc.
Luckily, I did document a lot of what I learned while going through it.
This post covers a lot of what I’ve learned about content marketing and doing it well (in the context of CXL’s business, at least. May or may not apply to yours).